Upgrade of API Manager from version 2.6 to version 4.0

  • The user interface has changed, see the Overview section and guides below for more details.
  • The standard format of Access Tokens have been changed to JSON Web Token (JWT) for applications created in the new version; a JWT is physically larger than the Opaque counterpart.
  • Preexisting applications that have been migrated from version 2.6 will still issue Opaque Access Tokens.
  • Issuing a new Access Token with the JWT format will result in the previous one being revoked, this does not affect Opaque Access Tokens where the previous will be returned if still valid. This can lead to problems if Access Tokens are being issued from several instances of the same client application. Please read about the different formats of Access Tokens.

API Portal - Overview

In the API Portal you manage how you consume Lantmäteriet's APIs. This involves you creating applications and subscriptions for the APIs you wish to consume and generating API Keys to configure your software with.


The API Portal is available in the following environments:

Start Page

API Portalen startsida.

At the top of the page there will be links with different functionality:

  • Help - This page.
  • APIs - Lists of available APIs; signing in may be required to list all.
  • Applications - Lists registered Applications; signing in is required.
  • SIGN-IN - Displays a sign in form where you'll provide the username and password you've ordered for each environment.


After signing in, all APIs for which your account is authorized to see will be displayed. If you believe an API is missing, please contact Geodata-support to place an order for the correct authorization.

API Portalen API:er.


Click on an API to display it's overview page, see the example below and notice the navigation menu to the left of the screen:

  • Overview - Overview of API, see image below.
  • Subscriptions - Manage subscriptions for an API.
  • Try Out - Test and view the API resources..
  • Documentation - API documentation.
  • SDKs - Generate Software Development Kits (client code).
API Portalen API:er.


Here you'll manage the subscriptions your Applications have for an API. A list containing the Applications which already have active subscriptions will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Read more under WSO2 - Subscribe to an API.

API Portalen API:er.

Try Out

Here you'll see the resources exposed by an API and if they are protected by a scope. You can test an APIs resources by choosing an Application that is subscribed and by authenticating using one of the security mechanisms the API has been published with.

Click on an API resource to expand and test it.

Read more under WSO2 - Test a REST API.

API Portalen API:er.


Displays the API documentation.


If an API consumer wants to build their own application they can generate an SDK containing the client code based on the programming language of choice, making integration with an API faster and easier.

Read more under WSO2 - Generate SDKs in Developer Portal.


An application is a logical representation of a physical application e.g. a web application. If an application wants to consume an API it'll first need to create a subscription.

Read more under WSO2 - Create Application.


The fundamental rule is to create a logical application for each physical application. Different applications want to consume different APIs and should therefore have their subscriptions and credentials managed separate from each other.

API Portalen API:er.



Click on the Application to display its overview page, see the example below and notice the navigation menu to the left:

  • Overview - Overview of the Application, from here you can edit or delete the application, see the example below.
  • Application Keys:
  • Subscriptions - Lists the APIs the Application is subscribed to.
API Portalen API:er.

OAuth2 Tokens

Key and Secret

Each application has a key pair, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. This key pair are the applications credentials which are used when requesting Access Tokens to be issued.

Read more under WSO2 - Generate API Keys.

You must generate the above Consumer Key and Consumer Secret the first time you visit your newly created application by clicking on:

API Portalen API:er.
API Portalen API:er.
Key Configurations

Here you manage the OAuth2 Grant Flows your application should support, read more about what OAuth2 Grant Flows are best suited for different situations here: Recommended Grant Flows.

You can also manage the lifespan of the different token types according to the needs of your application, read more under WSO2 - Changing the default token expiration time at the application-level.

API Portalen API:er.


Here you manage the application's subscriptions. Notice that you can subscribe to APIs from here, see the example below:

API Portalen API:er.

API Portal - Create Application & API subscription & retrieve API keys

This page describes a scenario where you as a consumer logs in to the API Portal, creates an application, generates API keys and adds an API subscription for said application.

Sign In

The API Portal is available in the following environments:

Create an Application

Read more under API Portal Overview → Applications.

  1. Click on 'Applications' in the main menu and then on 'ADD NEW APPLICATION':

    API Portalen API:er.
  2. Provide information about the application and click on "SAVE". The new application is now visible under 'Applications'.


    Enter 'Unlimited' as "Shared Quota for Application Tokens". This means that your application has no limits on how many API calls it can make.

    API Portalen API:er.

Generate API-Keys

Read more under API Portal Overview → OAuth2 Tokens.

  1. Click on 'Applications' in the main menu and then on the newly created application
  2. Click on 'Application Keys' in the left hand menu and then on 'GENERATE KEYS' at the bottom of the page:

    API Portalen API:er.
  3. Now your API-Keys are displayed (Consumer Key och Consumer Secret):

    API Portalen API:er.

Add API subscription for access

Read more underAPI Portal Overview → API → Subscriptions & API Portal Overview → Application → Subscriptions.

  1. Click the API that the newly created Application should subscribe to and then on the 'Subscriptions' tab:

    API Portalen API:er.
  2. Choose the newly created application in the list 'Applications' and also a policy in the list 'Business Plan' that controls the number of calls per minute that is allowed. Lastly click on 'Subscribe'.

API Portal - Terminology

Term Description
Resource Owner

This is the entity (user) who is controlling i.e. the owner of the resources that Resource Server exposes through it's APIs. In order to gain access to these APIs a client application must first request an Access Token to be issued by the Authorization Server so it can be sent in the API call. This Access Token is often issued for a certain scope which give access to subset of the resources exposed in an API. A client application will only be able to issue an Access Token which are valid for a certain scope if the Resource Owner has consented to this.


The system that is trying to access the Resources Owner's resources. The Client is registered as an Application in the API Portal.

Resource Server

This is the entity (server) that exposes resources owned by Resource Owner in the form of APIs. In order for a client application to access these APIs it must include an Access Token in each call.

Authorization Server

This is the entity (server) that issues Access Tokens when a client application wants to access resources owned by a Resource Owner. How the Resource Owner is authenticated and gives consent to the Access Token being issued is determined by the Grant Flow used. Consents can be given implicitly e.g. Resource Owner Client Credentials Grant or explicitly e.g. Authorization Code Grant.

OAuth2 Grant Flows

There are different Grant Flows for generating Access Tokens depending on the type of application and end user that will be consuming APIs.

Access Token

An Access Token is a temporary key used to authenticate API calls. An Access Token have a set expiry time where the default is 1 hour. An Access Token who's expiry time has passed is invalid and won't be usable anymore.

API Keys

Key pair (Consumer Key + Consumer Secret) belonging to a client application (Client); these are used in Grant Flows in order to authenticate the client application. In the case of the API Portal and requesting an Access Token to be issued using the Client Credentials Grant Flow these credentials also represent the Resource Owner.


Resources in an API can be grouped together by a scope which is mapped to a role/group inside a user store. By scoping resources fine grained access control is made possible by only allowing users associated with certain roles to be given exclusive access to certain APIs/Resources. The Authorization Server will not issue Access Tokens for scopes which the Resource Owner is missing the mapped role/group.


A variation of Scope which an Access Token can be issued for. The Authorization Server will issue an Access Token for a Device-scope when the client application specifies a scope with the format 'device_xxxx' where 'xxxx' is arbitrary. No access rights are associated with a Device-scope; instead they are used to issue unique Access Tokens to a client application with multiple instances.

OAuth2 - Endpoints

Environment Adress
PRD https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/<endpoint>
VER https://apimanager-ver.lantmateriet.se/<endpoint>

POST /oauth2/token

This endpoint can be used whenever a Client wants to request an 'access_token' to be issued. The required parameters is determined by what Grant Flow is used.



This endpoint can be used whenever a Client wants to revoke/invalidate a previously issued 'access_token' or 'refresh_token'.



This endpoint is used when a Client wants to use either "authorization_code" or "implicit" as Grant Flow. This endpoint manages authentication and authorization of the Resource Owner.



This endpoint allows a Client to fetch the end user's claims. Calls to this endpoint requires that an Access Token is included inside the 'Authorization' header. The response will either contain JSON (Content-Type: application/json) or a JWT (Content-Type: application/jwt).


This endpoint provides keys that are used by Clients and Resource Servers to verify the signature and decrypt 'access_token' that have been issued as JWTs and similarily for OpenId 'id_token'.


This endpoint can by used by a Client to fetch metadata describing the Authorization Server.


This endpoint can be used by a Client to initiate a single logout at the Authorization Server.


This endpoint can be used by a Client to monitor the end user's session at the Authorization Server for changes. The main purpose for this is to synchronize the Client's local session with the end user's session at the Authorization Server.

Reference Link
The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749
OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7009
JSON Web Key (JWK) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517
OpenID Connect Core 1.0 https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html
OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0 https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-rpinitiated-1_0.html

OAuth2 - Access Token

An Access Token can be likened to a wrist band that provides access to carousels in an amusement park. With a wrist band you can ride as much as you want until the amusement park is closes for the day, after which your wrist band expires and you must buy a new one in order to ride carousels the next day. An Access Token follows the same principle where a Client must have an Access Token to invoke protected APIs and request a new one when it has expired. A Client who wants to call an API presents it's Access Token to the API Portal (the man or woman who checks the wrist band in front of the carousel) by an HTTP header.

Access Token

If the Access Token is valid the API call is routed to the backend. Let us now imagine that the wrist band only gives access to a subset of the carousels that are available in the amusement park where access is determined by the color of the wrist band. One carousel requires a green wrist band while another requires a yellow wrist band. Since you have a green wrist band you will be denied access to the carousel that requires yellow. In the same way a Client can be denied access to an API if the Access Token is not issued for the correct Scope ie. it has the wrong color on it's wrist band.

Access Token med Scope

Which Scopes a Client can issue an Access Token for depends on the roles/groups assigned to the Resource Owner, read more about these terms on the page Terminology. For more info regarding the issuing of an Access Tokens see the page Recommended Grant Flows.


When a Client has their Access Token issued they can come in different formats depending on when you created your application in the API Portal. In this section we clarify what these formats are and what you need keep in mind regarding their issuing.



This format is deprecated for new Applications created in the API Portal with the upgrade to API Manager 4.0.0. Applications created in version 2.6 will still issue Access Tokens with the Opaque format.

An Access Token that has the format Opaque is a string that does not contain any data and can thus only be validated by the Authorization Server that issued it. The following shows an Authorization Server response to a Client requesting the issuing of an Access Token:

    "access_token": "64502333-fa11-4d66-945e-bceee035249c",
    "refresh_token": "9d3ea334-a7a2-387d-a406-57968e6957ff",
    "scope": "device_1",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600

In the response the Client can see which scopes the Access Token was issued for and for how long it can be used.

Considerations when issuing Opaque Access Tokens

When issuing Opaque Access Tokens the API Portal will respond with the same Access Token for each call to /token as long as the "current" token is valid. This allows multiple instances of a Client to share the same Access Token without major problems. However, it is recommended that each instance request a unique Access Token by entering a so-called Device-scope in it's request. Opaque Access Tokens are unique in the API Portal's database based on which Scopes these are issued for. Using Device-scope thus eliminates the risk of different instances of Client interfering with each other. Read more about Device-scope on the page Terminology.

JWT (JSON Web Token)

An Access Token that has the JWT format contains all the data needed to authorize a call from a Client. The JWT that the API Portal issues consists of three parts: header, payload and signature. This is encoded as a Base64URL according to <header>.<payload>.<signature> where each part is decoded into a independent JSON structure. Since a JWT is signed, a Resource Server can self-validate that it is issued by the API Portal by retrieving the public key from the JWKS Endpoint. The advantages of JWT can be summarized in that federation becomes possible as the JWT contains the data needed to authorize API calls and that response times are reduced as validation can be done without network communication with an Authorization Server. Below is an Authorization Server response to a Client requesting the issuing of an Access Token:

    "access_token": "eyJ4NXQiOiJaV0kwTW1JNU5ESTJNVFU1T0RZMU0ySmtNREl3WVRFelpXUXdOR1F6TWpSaVptUm1PVEUyTmciLCJraWQiOiJOV1ZtTVRrek1HRTNaV1EzTldKa09UZGtOVFJqWlRJell6VTROell4WWpRek1qazFOelE0WlRnMk1EQmlNV1V4TXpVME1XVTRORFJrWkdFMU5HSmhaQV9SUzI1NiIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiJtaXF1ZWxsYSIsImF1dCI6IkFQUExJQ0FUSU9OX1VTRVIiLCJhdWQiOiJoZnljQUt1NmE3aWlsY1hrak15aXRpTXFhY2thIiwibmJmIjoxNjU1OTA5NjA4LCJhenAiOiJoZnljQUt1NmE3aWlsY1hrak15aXRpTXFhY2thIiwic2NvcGUiOiJkZXZpY2VfMSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9hcGltYW5hZ2VyLWxhYi5sbXYubG0uc2UiLCJleHAiOjE2NTU5MTMyMDgsImlhdCI6MTY1NTkwOTYwOCwianRpIjoiYjAxMDRiM2UtYzc1MS00MTg1LWEwYmQtMWRlNzZiMTIxYTczIn0.QFs5ABKl47QF7G13nC6b-NHdbBDeyzStnV3FuP0A4brR7QmfHgiDlw2_w7iHU_1swYmIYe4QzQEZ9g5e3DJBECExOluXLzOS90mtSZuXqblpjnOCWSwGYAHh2-QlD9d7UyXT9jQMZDdh_kZWB5z89IhVTqn9RrE7rh5gkuOq238bv5uqJN_UQbNrv_n11XrreBPfTgzGaGUC_M0uYGSXNHkxEYpMASURHVngG9PsYYaYHuCZf0iIT3bQEi3Wg4pbaxQkkJc7ytIxy3pcfUcXOiNzikZ-xX9nHvx0FBrQMmVvlWADNMRdbPv88kbR5zHVt2VmMQev5gCko879feB8ug",
    "refresh_token": "9d3ea334-a7a2-387d-a406-57968e6957ff",
    "scope": "device_1",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600

The only difference in the response compared to Opaque is the format of the Access Token. The decoded parts header and payload are shown below:

    "alg": "RS256"
    "sub": "miquella",
    "aut": "APPLICATION_USER",
    "aud": "hfycAKu6a7iilcXkjMyitiMqacka",
    "nbf": 1655909608,
    "azp": "hfycAKu6a7iilcXkjMyitiMqacka",
    "scope": "device_1",
    "iss": "https://apimanager-lab.lmv.lm.se",
    "exp": 1655913208,
    "iat": 1655909608,
    "jti": "b0104b3e-c751-4185-a0bd-1de76b121a73"
Considerations when issuing JWT Access Tokens

When issuing an Access Token with the JWT format, the API Portal will revoke the previous Access Token for each call to /token. This creates problems if multiple instances of Client share the same Access Token. To prevent this, each instance must request a unique Access Token by entering a so-called Device-scope in its request. Using Device-scope eliminates the problem that different instances of Client interfere with each other. Read more about Device-scope on the page Terminology.

Generate Access Token with Scopes

For Access Tokens where the Grant Flow is initiated by a machine see Recommended Grant Flows for more info. To generate an Access Token with Scopes via the API Portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the list of Applications and click on the Application that should generate an Access Token.

    Välj Applikation.
  2. Click on "Application Keys" and then on "Generate Access Token".

    Klicka på Application Keys och Generate Token.
  3. Click on the "drop-down" list and select which Scopes the Access Token is to be issued for, then click on "Generate". Only Scopes associated with the APIs that your Application subscribes to are selectable.

    Application Keys och Generate Token.
  4. Copy the Access Token by clicking the icon and then on "Close".

    Kopiera Access Token.

How do I know which Scopes my Access Token needs?

The Scopes required by an API are usually described in the accompanying documentation, another way to see which Scopes are required is to navigate to the Try Out console:

  1. Navigate to the start page and select an API to consume.

    Välj API.
  2. Click on the "Try Out" tab and review the API's resources to see which Scopes are required.

    Klicka på Try Out.

OAuth2 - Client Credentials Grant

Recommended Use

This Grant Flow is best suited for machine-to-machine communication when authentication of an end user isn't needed.


Client Credentials Grant Flöde

Preconditions: The developer provides Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (created in the API Portal) to the Client.

  1. The Client requests an Access Token by authenticating using the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret at the Authorization server.
  2. The Authorization Server responds with an Access Token.
  3. The Client calls an API by including the Access Token in a HTTP Header.


The Client sends a POST-request with the following parameters to the Authorization Server:

  • grant_type with the value 'client_credentials'.
  • client_id with the value of Consumer Key.
  • client_secret with the value of Consumer Secret.
  • scope (optional) a whitespace delimited list of scopes.

Exemple request (cURL) using Client Credentials Grant to issue an Access Token:

curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded consumerKey:consumerSecret value>" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/oauth2/token


Example of a response with a issued Access Token:

    "scope":"am_application_scope default",

OAuth2 - Resource Owner Credentials Grant

Recommended Use

This is suitable when you want to issue and access token for an end user and provide it to the Client. The basis of the Grant Flow is that the end user has sufficient trust for the Client to such a degree that their credentials can be shared with it.


Resource Owner Credentials Grant Flöde

Preconditions: The devloper provides the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the Client (the developer has created these in the API Portal).

  1. The Client requests username and password from the end user.
  2. The Client requests that the Authorization Server issues an Access Token using the end users username and password along with the Client's own Consumer Key och Consumer Secret.
  3. The Authorization server responds with an Access Token and Refresh Token.
  4. The Client calls the API with the Access Token in a HTTP Header.


The Client sends a POST-request with the following parameters to the Authorization Server:

  • grant_type with the value 'password'.
  • client_id with the value of Consumer Key.
  • client_secret with the value of Consumer Secret.
  • username with the end user's username.
  • password with the end user's password.
  • scope (optional) a whitespace delimited list of scopes.

Exemple request (cURL) using Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant to issue an Access Token:

curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded consumerKey:consumerSecret value>" -d "grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>&scope=scope1 scope2 ... scope_n" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/oauth2/token


Example response with two issued tokens, one Access Token and one Refresh token:


OAuth2 - Authorization Code Grant

Recommended Use

This flow should be used when you want to issue an Access Token for a end user and the Authorization Code Exchange is handled serverside by the application. Due to security considerations the Access Token, Refresh Token, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret shouldn't be exposed to a browser.


Authorization Code Grant Flöde

Preconditions: The developer provides the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret belonging to the Client, these keys and a callback URL have been created by the developer in the API Portal.

  1. The Resource Owner requests a protected resource or explicitly chooses to sign in.
  2. The Client redirects the Resource Owner to a sign in form that is hosted on the Authorization Server.
  3. The Resource Owner signs in.
  4. The Authorization Server redirects the browser back to the provided callback URL together with an Authorization Code.
  5. The Client requests the Authorization Code to be exchanged for an Access Token while also providing the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
  6. The Authorization Server responds with an Access Token and a Refresh Token (and in some cases IdToken).
  7. The Client makes a call to the API making sure to include the Access Token in a HTTP Header.

Request - Sign In

The Application redirects the end user to the sign in form on the Authorization Server with the below parameters:

  • response_type with the value 'code', which signifies that you want the Authorization Server to respond with an Authorization Code.
  • client_id Provide the Consumer Key belonging to your application.
  • redirect_uri The callback url that has been configured for the application, the end user will be redirected to it after signing in.
  • state (optional)

    the state parameter have to use cases. The Client has an opportunity to store data mapped to the value of the state parameter which can be accessed when the Resource Owner is redirected back to the callback URL post sign in.

    the state parameter also functions as a CSRF mitigation if it contains an unguessable value for each request and when the end user gets redirected from the sign in it can be verified against the original value.

  • scope (optional) a whitespace delimited list of scopes.


    If you want to enable Open Id Connect you provide scope=openid.

Example of the Authorization Request (URL):


Example of the redirect back to the callback URL:


Request - Code Exchange

The Client exchanges the recieved 'code' for an Access Token by sending a POST-request with the following parameters to the Authorization Server:

  • grant_type with the value 'authorization_code'.
  • code with the value of the 'code' parameter.
  • redirect_uri with the value of the registered callback URL.

Example Token Request (Code Exchange) using curl:

curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded consumerKey:consumerSecret value>" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=81df7476-4367-3f30-a41b-3ebae6426b55&redirect_uri=https://www.minApplikation.se/" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/oauth2/token


Example response with two issued tokens, one Access Token and one Refresh token:


OAuth2 - Refresh Token Grant

Recommended Use

After an Access Token has expired you can use a Refresh Token to renew it.


A Refresh Token is only generated in the following Grant Flows: Resource Owner Credentials Grant or Authorization Code Grant.


Refresh Token Grant

Preconditions: Access Token has been issued with one of the following Grant Flows: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant or Authorization Code Grant.

  1. The Client requests a new Access Token using a Refresh Token.
  2. The Authorization Server responds with an Access Token and a new Refresh Token.
  3. The Client calls an API with the Access Token in the 'Authorization' HTTP Header.

The current refresh token is revoked and a new one is generated with a new expiry time (default 24h), you must make sure to save the new refresh token in order to refresh an Access Token again.


Example of a cURL call with Refresh Token to issue a new Access Token:

curl -d "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refresh_token>" -H "Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(Client_Id:Client_Secret)>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/oauth2/token



OAuth2 - Revoking Access Tokens

You can revoke an Access Token or Refresh Token.


Example of a cURL call to revoke an Access Token:

curl -v -d "token=<access_token>" -H "Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(Client_Id:Client_Secret)>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://apimanager.lantmateriet.se/oauth2/revoke


The response will have the HTTP Status 200 with the following headers:

Revokedaccesstoken: a0d210c7a3de7d548e03f1986e9a5c39
Authorizeduser: admin@carbon.super
Revokedrefreshtoken: 5e87a8235cd4d066e15c4c989f5ecf94
Content-Type: text/html
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:28:52 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Note that if you try to revoke an invalid token you'll receive the HTTP Status 200 with the following headers:

Content-Type: text/html
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:31:45 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked